【书标准规范荐】DIN EN 50122-2 Ber-1-2002 轨道交通.固定设备.第2部分直流牵引系统杂散电流防护措施


If you are searching for a technical book that provides corrections to DIN EN 50122-2 (VDE 0115 Teil 4):1999-05 standards, then “Berichtigungen zu DIN EN 50122-2 (VDE 0115 Teil 4):1999-05” is an essential read. This book, published in German, is a direct translation of the CENELEC Corrigendum 2001-08 and offers clarifications and amendments to the existing standard.

For professionals working in the railway industry, this book serves as a valuable resource. It provides insights into protective measures against the effects of stray currents caused by direct current systems. The standard is crucial for ensuring the safety and reliability of railway applications and fixed installations.

One of the key highlights of this book is the inclusion of corrections and updates to the original standard. Section 1, which discusses the scope of application, replaces “maintenance work” with “maintenance operations.” This subtle yet important change ensures that the standard accurately reflects the intended tasks and responsibilities in the railway industry.

Additionally, Section 2 removes the reference to EN 50162 and replaces it with relevant standards such as EN 12954, which deals with the general principles of cathodic protection of buried or immersed metallic constructions. This update ensures that the standard remains up-to-date and aligned with international best practices.

The book is published by the DKE Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik im DIN und VDE, which is the German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies. This affiliation lends credibility to the book, as it is backed by industry experts and regulatory bodies.

In summary, “Berichtigungen zu DIN EN 50122-2 (VDE 0115 Teil 4):1999-05” is an indispensable tool for professionals in the railway industry. It provides accurate and up-to-date information, ensuring compliance with the latest standards and regulations. The book’s comprehensive coverage of protective measures and its clear explanations make it an ideal resource for anyone involved in railway applications and fixed installations. Whether you are a engineer, inspector, or project manager, this book will prove to be an invaluable reference.

【书标准规范荐】DIN EN 50122-2 Ber-1-2002 轨道交通.固定设备.第2部分直流牵引系统杂散电流防护措施